Night Beat

with John Casey

Hey there, this week i decided to indulge myself and play a load of
tracks that iv'e had on heavy rotation recently, to start i played
a pop classic by The Ronettes then a couple of tracks from The War on drugs, two
tracks from My Bloddy Valentine's 'Loveless', Primal scream and New order rounded
off a most enjoyable first half.
To start the second i played 'cherry colored funk' by The Cocteau Twins who
are a bit of a mystery to me, then a nice track from the Velvets went into some
live Albert Ayler, Death in Vegas and Gene Clark led me to my final track which
was a stormer called 'What have i said now?' by The Wedding Present.

Full tracklist...

1. The Ronettes- Baby i love you
2. The War on Drugs- Arms like boulders
3. The War on Drugs- Needle in your eye
4. My Bloody Valentine- Come in alone
5. My Bloody Valentine- What you want
6. New Order- Ceremony
7. Primal Scream- Shoot speed kill light
8. Cocteau Twins- Cherry colored funk
9. The Velvet Underground- I found a reason
10.Albert Ayler- Spirits (live)
11.Deathin vegas- 23 lies
12.Gene Clark & the Godsin Brothers- Only Columbe
13.The Wedding Present- What have i said now?


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